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This tutorial shows how you can build a Docker image that contains a JavaScript application.

You will learn to:


Create a JavaScript application with NuxtJS

  1. Open a new terminal window, and create a working folder. In the working folder, enter the following command to create a new project:

     npx create-nuxt-app nuxtjs-helloworld

    You will be prompted to answer a few questions:

     create-nuxt-app v2.15.0
     โœจ  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtjs-helloworld
     ? Project name nuxtjs-helloworld
     ? Project description My awesome Nuxt.js project
     ? Author name Andrei Popescu
     ? Choose programming language JavaScript
     ? Choose the package manager Npm
     ? Choose UI framework None
     ? Choose custom server framework None (Recommended)
     ? Choose Nuxt.js modules (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
     ? Choose linting tools ESLint
     ? Choose test framework None
     ? Choose rendering mode Universal (SSR)
     ? Choose development tools (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
     ๐ŸŽ‰  Successfully created project nuxtjs-helloworld
       To get started:
         cd nuxtjs-helloworld
         npm run dev
       To build & start for production:
         cd nuxtjs-helloworld
         npm run build
         npm run start

    Note that the above output was truncated for brevity.

    The npx create-nuxt-app installs the dependencies, and then creates the default directory structure needed by a NuxtJS application:

     tree nuxtjs-helloworld -L 1
     |-- assets
     |-- components
     |-- layouts
     |-- middleware
     |-- node_modules
     |-- nuxt.config.js
     |-- package-lock.json
     |-- package.json
     |-- pages
     |-- plugins
     |-- static
     `-- store
     9 directories, 4 files
  2. Use the following command to start your application:

     cd nuxtjs-helloworld && npm run dev
     > nuxtjs-helloworld@1.0.0 dev /Users/andrei/Documents/test/nuxtjs-helloworld
     > nuxt
        โ”‚                                             โ”‚
        โ”‚   Nuxt.js v2.12.2                           โ”‚
        โ”‚   Running in development mode (universal)   โ”‚
        โ”‚                                             โ”‚
        โ”‚   Listening on: http://localhost:3000/      โ”‚
        โ”‚                                             โ”‚
     โ„น Preparing project for development                                              19:45:18
     โ„น Initial build may take a while                                                 19:45:18
     โœ” Builder initialized                                                            19:45:18
     โœ” Nuxt files generated                                                           19:45:19
     โœ” Client
       Compiled successfully in 9.76s
     โœ” Server
       Compiled successfully in 8.58s
     โ„น Waiting for file changes                                                       19:45:30
     โ„น Memory usage: 178 MB (RSS: 272 MB)                                             19:45:30
     โ„น Listening on: http://localhost:3000/                                           19:45:30
  3. Open a browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You should see a page similar to that shown below:

NuxtJS Hello World

Create a Dockerfile for your JavaScript application

  1. Use a plain-text editor to create a file named Dockerfile and copy in the following content:

    FROM node:10
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    COPY . /usr/src/app/
    RUN npm install
    EXPOSE 3000
    CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]

    This file provides the instructions the Docker engine needs to create a container image. The way this works is that the Docker engine creates a layer for each instruction found in the Dockerfile and places it atop of the previous layers.

    The following list explains each line:

    • FROM node:10 specifies the base image (node 10)
    • WORKDIR /usr/src/app sets /usr/src/app as the working directory for the COPY, RUN, and CMD commands
    • COPY . /usr/src/app/ is used to copy files from the host to the container
    • RUN npm install installs the dependencies
    • EXPOSE 3000 specifies that your container listens on port 3000
    • CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ] sets the default command (nmp run dev) thatโ€™ll be run when an instance of your container image is deployed
  2. To specify the list of files the Docker engine should ignore when generating the build context, create a file called .dockerignore with the following content:


Build an image

  1. Build an image for your NuxtJS application. Enter the docker build command, and use the -t flag to specify the name of the image.

    Note that the name of the image is in the following format <YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>.

    The following example command builds an image named andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld, and sets the path to the context to the current directory:

    docker build -t andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  125.3MB
    Step 1/6 : FROM node:10
    10: Pulling from library/node
    56da78ce36e9: Pull complete
    fbfe0f13ac45: Pull complete
    6254ff6d0e60: Pull complete
    e0e1e13bd9f6: Pull complete
    b86b38b40a24: Pull complete
    e357e1a6c1b2: Pull complete
    26ead3dd6706: Pull complete
    2a074406f86d: Pull complete
    2bb91d5c5247: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:816cfaee24dc2cea534e21d7f9c55f3b22c8bc6af61d8445f8d0178168ef3b28
    Status: Downloaded newer image for node:10
     ---> 01b816051d34
    Step 2/6 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
     ---> Running in 2480e9e38114
    Removing intermediate container 2480e9e38114
     ---> a8d4d9e1b7ac
    Step 3/6 : COPY . /usr/src/app/
     ---> fad0616f58b3
    Step 4/6 : RUN npm install
     ---> Running in f1bfc0494664
    audited 21125 packages in 21.523s
    49 packages are looking for funding
      run `npm fund` for details
    found 0 vulnerabilities
    Removing intermediate container f1bfc0494664
     ---> 374518fec47e
    Step 5/6 : EXPOSE 3000
     ---> Running in c8c78265d768
    Removing intermediate container c8c78265d768
     ---> de05a90681ca
    Step 6/6 : CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]
     ---> Running in b092f80697d3
    Removing intermediate container b092f80697d3
     ---> 61c719d0055b
    Successfully built 61c719d0055b
    Successfully tagged andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld:latest
  2. You can list the Docker images available on your computer as follows:

     docker images
     REPOSITORY                          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
     andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld   latest              61c719d0055b        4 minutes ago       1.02GB
     node                                10                  01b816051d34        5 days ago          911MB

Run your application as a container

  1. To run the andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld image, enter the docker run command, and pass it the following arguments:

    • -p with the port on the host (3000) thatโ€™ll be forwarded to the container (3000), separated by :
    • -d to specify that the container must be run in the background
    • The name of the image (this example uses andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld, but yours will be different)
     docker run -p 3000:3000 -d andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld
  2. Display the list of containers running on your computer with the following command:

     docker ps
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
     84154f4301b2        andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld   "docker-entrypoint.sโ€ฆ"   56 seconds ago      Up 55 seconds>3000/tcp   festive_nash
  3. You can see the logs by entering the docker logs command followed by the id of your container (this example uses 84154f4301b2, but yours will be different):

     docker logs 84154f4301b2
     > nuxtjs-helloworld@1.0.0 dev /usr/src/app
     > nuxt
     โ„น Listening on: http://localhost:3000/
     โ„น Preparing project for development
     โ„น Initial build may take a while
     โœ” Builder initialized
     โœ” Nuxt files generated
     โ„น Compiling Client
     โ„น Compiling Server
     โœ” Server: Compiled successfully in 10.40s
     โœ” Client: Compiled successfully in 11.33s
     โ„น Waiting for file changes
     โ„น Memory usage: 175 MB (RSS: 270 MB)
     โ„น Listening on: http://localhost:3000/
  4. You can use the docker top command to see the process running inside your container:

     docker top 84154f4301b2
     PID                 USER                TIME                COMMAND
     2746                root                0:00                npm
     2791                root                0:00                sh -c nuxt
     2792                root                0:20                node /usr/src/app/node_modules/.bin/nuxt
  5. To see your application in action, point your browser to http://localhost:3000:

    NuxtJS Hello World

  6. Now that everything works as expected, use the docker kill command to stop your container:

     docker kill 84154f4301b2
  7. Delete the container by entering the docker rm command, and passing it the id of your container (this example uses 84154f4301b2, but yours will be different):

     docker rm 84154f4301b2

Push your image to Docker Hub

  1. Log in to Docker Hub. Run the docker login command specifying the --username flag with your Docker Hub user name ( this example uses andreipopescu12, but your user name will be different):

     docker login --username andreipopescu12

    You will be prompted to enter your Docker Hub password:

     Login Succeeded
  2. Push your image to Docker. Type the docker push command followed by the name of your image (this example uses andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld, but yours will be different):

     docker push andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld
     The push refers to repository []
     d3ff542cca46: Pushed
     9e5f854f4ab1: Pushed
     88f011bd5729: Pushed
     2f942335d8fb: Mounted from library/node
     2144a19162ed: Mounted from library/node
     f1cac044aca7: Mounted from library/node
     45ac74adb5b4: Mounted from library/node
     d485cbbe6a5e: Mounted from library/node
     391c89959588: Mounted from library/node
     588545a7a2a3: Mounted from library/node
     8452468a5e50: Mounted from library/node
     55b19a5e648f: Mounted from library/node
     latest: digest: sha256:3b90e66f215cf6ff5a718dd8a3576c2e67f226b790a312e9741be9a45a044353 size: 2844
  3. Now you can delete the image from your computer:

     docker rmi andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld --force
     Untagged: andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld:latest
     Untagged: andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld@sha256:3b90e66f215cf6ff5a718dd8a3576c2e67f226b790a312e9741be9a45a044353
     Deleted: sha256:61c719d0055b319856d0d885952a5c9604032c8e74efdfe79c7cc2c82b05715d
     Deleted: sha256:de05a90681ca38f2c3c80da9429b76314edec9352ba34c93e6383f34d76081ee
     Deleted: sha256:374518fec47eeb2095d1424f594fb06f20106b6ad18e38abc79d90a85cec93a2
     Deleted: sha256:fad0616f58b3d990ed5c552bf21e5eb815667b92a273fbfe16c2a6e286bcf1f7
     Deleted: sha256:a8d4d9e1b7ac3c1b2da0c2d5cddb863895c9246f618bac467cced4b02c2cfbbf

Run your image from Docker Hub

  1. The following docker run commands downloads the andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld image to your computer and then runs it:

     docker run -p 3000:3000 -d andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld
     Unable to find image 'andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld:latest' locally
     latest: Pulling from andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld
     56da78ce36e9: Already exists
     fbfe0f13ac45: Already exists
     6254ff6d0e60: Already exists
     e0e1e13bd9f6: Already exists
     b86b38b40a24: Already exists
     e357e1a6c1b2: Already exists
     26ead3dd6706: Already exists
     2a074406f86d: Already exists
     2bb91d5c5247: Already exists
     f69924c128cf: Already exists
     c25d72ae961f: Already exists
     6b358121e530: Already exists
     Digest: sha256:3b90e66f215cf6ff5a718dd8a3576c2e67f226b790a312e9741be9a45a044353
     Status: Downloaded newer image for andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld:latest
  2. Use the docker ps command to make sure that your application is running:

     docker ps
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
     e1e7fa715378        andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld   "docker-entrypoint.sโ€ฆ"   57 seconds ago      Up 56 seconds>3000/tcp   beautiful_pare
  3. You can now point your browser to http://localhost:3000:

    NuxtJS Hello World

  4. Use the docker kill command to stop your container:

     docker kill e1e7fa715378
  5. Use the docker rm command to delete your container:

     docker rm e1e7fa715378

Clean up

Images can be large, and you usually want to delete the ones created while developing your application.

  1. List the images available on your computer:

     docker images
     REPOSITORY                          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
     andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld   latest              61c719d0055b        About an hour ago   1.02GB
     node                                10                  01b816051d34        5 days ago          911MB
  2. Delete your image (this example uses andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld, but yours will be different):

     docker rmi andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld --force
     Untagged: andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld:latest
     Untagged: andreipopescu12/nuxtjs-helloworld@sha256:3b90e66f215cf6ff5a718dd8a3576c2e67f226b790a312e9741be9a45a044353
     Deleted: sha256:61c719d0055b319856d0d885952a5c9604032c8e74efdfe79c7cc2c82b05715d
  3. You can also delete the base image (node:10):

     docker rmi node:10
     Untagged: node:10
     Untagged: node@sha256:816cfaee24dc2cea534e21d7f9c55f3b22c8bc6af61d8445f8d0178168ef3b28
     Deleted: sha256:01b816051d343a5aaa3b33e165f6b6d620b7e899961bf6e8955a7577a0129873

In this tutorial, you learned how to build a Docker image that contains a JavaScript application.

Thanks for reading!